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Signature Business

I am 23 years old now and my life is so easy. I have much money in my acc, i have 10 credit cards in my wallet, i have 6 cars they are Ferrary, Lamborghini, BMW, Nissan, and 2 Honda. I have 3 huge houses placed in Mumbai, Delhi, and Mathura. I also have some home industries, restaurants, and hotels diffused along India. I have everything. I can buy everything I want. I am the rich Indonesian who life in India. I do not get all of these from my parents, my sisters, or my brothers. I am not the daughter of rich guy. I am not the granddaughter of a president. But I am just a little human. I get all of these by hard work. Really hard. And of course by God’s help.
5 years ago I was graduated from an Islamic Vocational Secondary School of King Abdul Aziz, Indonesia. That time, I did not decide where I had to continue my education yet. It was so hard to decide. University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, University of Indonesia Jakarta, Institute of Technology Bandung, University of Islam Malang, rotated on my head. They forced me to choose one of them.
“Which Univ. must I choose? Oh confusing!” I made some pen drawings on my book, it showed my confusing.
“Aunt! Turn on your TV right now! Aamir Khan your favourite Indian Actor is in Jakarta!! Channel number 10 please!” suddenly my nephew came to my room and informed me that.
“So, what must I do, Dear? I am so confused because of university, I don’t want to watch him. Let me be focus for my future. Okay? Just turn off the TV!” I tried to go on.
“Uh! You…!” he mumbled.
“Wait up, Kid! Let the TV on! Jakarta? I’ve got a bright idea! Mom, I will fly to Jakarta this evening. I want to meet Aamir.”
Without thinking any longer I packed all of goods I needed. I took the first flight. 2 hours from Banyuwangi, finally I arrived. Aamir Khan came to Jakarta because one of Indonesia channel chose him to be the guest star for a television program. I wanted to meet him and ask his signature. I had to get it. I did not come to the program, but I waited him in the parking area. Precisely I waited behind his car. After waiting for some hours, finally he came surely with many securities around him. “Oh no! How to meet him?” I talked to my heart. Besides securities there were also his fans. That condition made me harder to meet him and also get his sign.
I thought that by waiting him in the parking area made me easier to meet him, in fact it was not different with watching the program first. Uh! Better I stayed my eyes for him first. However I had to get him. My head rotated.
“Yes!” I got a bright idea.
I got my body standing on Aamir’s car. Then shouting what I wanted to get from him.
“Hey, what are you doing on my car? Get down, girl!” asked Aamir.
“I want to meet you and get your sign. But, I will not get it if your big securities always stay around you and also I can not trespass those fans of yours. That’s why I stayed on your car. Sorry.” I smiled.
“I will come to you” he said.
“What?” It was unbelievable.
Aamir Khan. The big actor of India came to me. Yeah, he climbed his car to accept my willing. I could shake his hand, took picture with him, got his signatures. Nobody could do it, except me. I did some chat with him, and it was like a dream.
After he gave me his sign, he left the parking area. Of course, some of his fans felt sad. I was not included in it. They run after me, I did not know why. I felt like someone would kill me because I could get what I want and they could not. I stepped faster. I planned to sleep over in my brother’s home in Jakarta that night, my foot steps being faster and faster. I did not want to look back.
“Aaaaaaa! Please don’t kill me!” I shouted when someone held my right shoulder.
“Who will kill you, Young Lady?” asked the young man who held my shoulder.
“You will not kill me, right?” I was in paranoid.
“Of course no. I am not a killer, anyway. I’m just jealous with you because you can get what you wanna do with Aamir, and I can not. Would you mind to sell it to me?” asked him while pointing the signed T-shirt which I carried.
“Sorry, this T-shirt is for female not for male. Are you a?”
“Hey! This is for my girlfriend. She really wants it. Please sell it….”
“That’s not my business. I will not sell it to anyone. Sorry, Man.”
Actually, that man was cute but he was not suited to get my heart. He looked like a rich man, I saw that he also had a good car. He could go to India and invite Aamir for an exclusive dinner if he wanted.
“Listen! I am the only child of a success businessman in Jakarta. But, I don’t want to go by plane. Never.” That’s right that he was a rich man.
“Why?” I needed a reason.
“Just don’t want”
“Tell me why!?” I forced him to tell.
He looked at down. Perhaps, he was shy to tell me the truth. I knew about this case. He was like my death friend. That was a disease called planeissicko. The sufferer always vomited every time he saw a plane. Even the plane in the reality or just the picture. Planeissicko was so dangerous. Because when the sufferer vomited, it was hard to make it stop except sending to a doctor. My friend died on the plane when her boyfriend invited her to fly to Singapore. Actually my friend told him the truth but her boyfriend forced her to try. On the plane she vomited and nothing could make it stop, finally she died.
That time, i tried to show to the young man a picture of plane in my handphone. Yes, that was right. He vomited. I slapped him immediately, then he stopped vomiting. Yeah, slapping was the alternative painkiller. Unfortunately, my friend’s boyfriend did not know that alternative way.
“You suffered a Planeissicko?” I asked him.
“Right…How do you know? This is rare disease.” He answered confusedly.
“My friend died because of it. Give this T-shirt to your girlfriend!” I gave that T-shirt freely.        “Really? What must I change with it?” he looked so happy.
“Nothing. Just take it. Just say that it is for my death friend” I made a step.
“You can take my car. I can not accept anything freely. Please accept my car!”
“That’s too big price. With full surrender I give it to you.” I smiled.
“Okay. How old are you now?” he asked me.
“18. Why?”
“Are you student of a university?”
“I’ve just graduated from Senior High School”
“Finally! For the compensation I will send you to India to get your university. You cannot refuse this. Please!” he said.
Oh God! I was so impressed with that young man. He was so kind person. I could refuse for the car, but I could not refuse for flying to India. In short time, I flied there with the ticket from him. He also gave me some money for my life there, money for university, and money for fun. It was about 100 millions rupiahs. Wow! Actually who he was I did not know. Was he a human or an angel? I just gave him a 100 thousands rupiahs T-shirt and the compensation was 100 millions rupiahs. It was not balance. But, never mind. Someday I would return his money back.
In India, I did not just go to campus but I also went to some places which full of celebrities. I met Shakh Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Kajol, Katrina Kaif, Shraddha Kapoor, Sidharth Malhotra, Anushka Sharma, Imran Khan, Arjun Rampal, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Dephika Padukone, Abishek Bachan, and many others.
I did great effort to meet them. It was hard work. I always brought some T-shirts and markers wherever I got of my resident. It meant, when I met some of them I could get the signature. I did not collect their signs for myself, but I collected them for others.
“I need Katrina’s signature for my young brother’s birthday next month. When can you get it?” one of students university needed my hand.
“Mmm…give me a week! She will be in Goa tomorrow, okay I will go there. Your address please…”
Next day, I flied to Goa. I did the same thing to Katrina like I did to Aamir. Standing on the car. I was sure, she thought that I was her big fan.
“Katrina Ji, please… This will be the gift for my friend’s brother birthday. I just wanna help him. So, you have to help me.”
“Well, just get down. You will get my sign.” Then Katrina gave me her sign.
“Thank you, Madam Ji. You are so kind. Best of luck for all of your job!”
Yes! Finally I got the sign. I did not need many days to stay in other city. Because my friend was waiting for the sign. I always went to a city to other city. But, I still did my education regularly. Almost all of celebrities had ever asked the signature by me. And not only once for a celebrity.
“Check your acc, I’ve sent you 90 Lakh for this T-shirt. Thank you anyway.”
“Okay, thank you, too.”
That was my job in India. I made it as my business. I did not lie to anyone. That was clean business. I just needed some rupees to buy t-shirt and marker, then I would get the big price of Lakh. The cheapest price I got about 20 Lakh and the highest price was not limited. Years to years my business became bigger and better. I did it by myself. I had no employees for that. I had no manager for that. All was on me. Only me.
Now, my business is still running. My range is wider. Not just Bollywood celebrities but also Hollywood.

My room, 28th May 2015



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