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My Talk with Guru-cool

I dont know who he is, my teacher or just my senior. If i say that he is my teacher, but he is just older than me 2 years, he is too young to be my teacher. If i say that he is my senior, but he teaches me. Ha! Forget it! I call him Guru-cool. Here is our talk in a single day.
Guru-cool: Oh hey mil, have you ever been feeling heart sick caused by ‘chipmunks’?
Me: What’s chipmunk?
GC: Boys! Why you so plain.. haha no.. you aint need to answer it
Me: No, i have not. U know that i never tried to get that opposite relationship... so, noboys ever hurted me. Thank God!
GC: Never try but for serious one!!
Me: Amin. Tell me what i don’t know..
GC: I don’t know what you don’t know
Me: I don’t know means i don’t know, that’s why i say that i don’t know
GC: Diesel wiesel hahaha... You know, your “i don’t know” word just like a rap lyric. You want me tell you things you don’t know. Well let me know what you don’t know...about what
Me: :D actually it’s a Selena Gomez’s song :D
GC: Don’t care.. Well, but it’s not always negative. Anything on this world has both side negative and positive. The positive side is it would make us passionfull on everything
Me: We can do others to increase our passion, not that thing :p. Bcause love has not to be applied by love activity.
GC: No.. But it just unexplainable
Me: It was. We can feel it but can’t explain it
GC: In my case, i extremely bored here.. Attempting to decrease it. It would be the most effective way, but i always fail..
Me: Just believe in u... J. Like making a sentence to make you stronger. I make a sentence to decrease my pain, to decrease my sad, to increase my happiness. It is “meri zindagi mere liye aur teri zindagi tere liye”. It means my life is for me n ur life is for u. Means i don’t care others..
GC: Yea..tere meli liye dingdong.. first, i am like that. Being not care of everything is seems to make me happy, yes for a while yet slowly turns me selfish, unsocialized, having no one to share, having no friend.
Me: No, it just for anticipating someone wants to hurt us. N it makes us lazy to do gossiping. It also makes us stop blaming n judging others. “Hey, Mr. X hits his student. What a stupid teacher he is!” “No, he is not. He must be have reason for doing it, lagipula (furthermore) that’s not our problem...” just like that.. J
GC: Hmmm...i got it... So, wut is da most important thing on your life?
Me: Hmm it is a confusing question. Let me know yours first.
GC: I have no one!! Haha cute heh? I was living like’at, Mil. Careless, selfish, i just life as ordered, by God of course..
Me: Wow noone! That’s rude hey! Mmmm actually i’m not sure what the most important for me. Sometimes my family is my loveliest people in the world because we have same blood and they care me
GC: I think my wife and sons will. I forget you are woman, yes that is enough for you
Me: Is there any difference between man and woman in this case?
GC: Of course. Men have a responsibility more than women
Me: Oh i see...
GC: They have to do something before they die. And i think i didn’t do anything, i don’t know what for is my life
Me: A 20 years old man = a 15 years old woman in adult case
GC: I know everyone’s life is set by God. Mine, yours, Mr. Jokowi’s. They’re different.
Me: Only u who know what for is ur life. Nobody knows include ur best guy



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