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Text of Story telling contest 2012

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Respectable the commitee of story telling contest
Honorable the juries and the funny audiences who i do love.
Firstly,before telling you a funny story i’d like to say thank you very much for the chance given to me to stand in front of you all.
Okey brothers and sisters,i’m the contestant number ...
Today,i’d like to tell a funny story about “ Feud with the Donkey “
Are you ready ? this is the story,well listen to me carefully !!
One day,in Aksehir Turkey there was man namely Nasrudin Hoja. He was very wise person,funny,smart,also strenger. That day,Nasrudin was standing on the street. He was waiting the transport. He waited and waited,but it not happened.
            ‘’ Huft...where is the transport ?? I’m not patient to wait it any longer ‘’ he said.
Back and fort,seeing the right and left but the transport still didn’t appear. After waiting about ten minutes,he saw a transport coming.
            Well,do you know what it will happen next ? When he was calling a transport,suddenly a donkey came behind him. And kicked him in the rear.
            ‘’ Dugg... ‘’ it’s voice.
Nasrudin was surprised,it was sending him flying to the air ‘’ waaaaaa...aa.. ‘’ and hitting on the ground ‘’ bugg... ‘’.
            ‘’ sick ! whose donkey are you,ha ? ‘’ said Nasrudin while hold his sick body. The donkey escaped immediatelly,it left Nasrudin.
            ‘’ hey loser !! where are you going ? our problem doesn’t finish yet ! ‘’ Yelled Nasrudin. The donkey still escaped.
            Several days later,Nasrudin spotted the same donkey secured to a tree by it’s owner. ‘’ eh.. that is the donkey what made me sick someday ago. Yes,that’s it ‘’
He came to the donkey,and he immediatelly picked up a stick and began beating it.
            ‘’ crazy donkey !!! you didn’t know me yet,right ? why did you kick me,ha ? what did you mean ? what do you want ? i can kill you if i want. You must fell what i was felling. It was so sick ! crazy ! this is it.. ‘’Nasrudin was angry.
            Suddenly,the donkey’s owner came. He noticed this,and yelled out.
            ‘’ hey Mr. Hey... ! what do you think you are doing to my donkey ? stop that immediatelly ! ‘’
            ‘’ this has nothing to do with you,sir... ‘’ Nasrudin answered.
            ‘’ but it is my donkey ‘’ donkey’s owner said.
            ‘’ oh yapz.. i know,that is your donkey. But,it is between me and the donkey. He knows exactly why i’m beating him. I wish you teach your donkey goodly ! take care to your donkey ! keep your donkey ! remember,okey ?! ‘’ Nasrudin explained.
            ‘’ he ? what have you said ? i don’t understand. ‘’ donkey’s owner was confused.
            ‘’ what ? you don’t understand ? ‘’ asked Nasrudin angry. He would beat him.
            ‘’ okey,i’m understand ‘’ answered donkey’s owner fearly.
            ‘’ good ‘’ said Nasrudin.
            Then,Nasrudin goes away by angry while he is mumbling the crazy donkey...the crazy’s owner also crazy...
            Okey the audience i think that’s all my story...thank you for your attention...and i’m sorry about all...
            Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


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