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Help Your Friends! But, how?

Help. What is that? Why must we do it? What for? Is it important for us? çStop asking or i will kick you! Haha, relax...! “Help” word is a verb. Provide with the means towards what is needed or sought, it is called by help. We can help everyone and also other creatures such as animal and plant. We can help in all stuffs. But, here I am just going to share you about helping friends. Look, I do not teach you but I share you. OK?
I am sure all of you have friends. I am an Introvert and I dislike crowded situation, I like to be alone reading book, watching movie, listening music and playing games in my room. Hello! Introvert is also a human. He /she has friends I am sure even only 1, 2, 3, or..? No way! I am an Introvert and I have enough friends. My friend is an Introvert and she also has friends. Don’t make too much reason...!
I divide help becomes two. They are help in goodness and help in badness. We are obligated to help in goodness and leave help in badness. But, sometimes people do not differentiate between both. They say that help is always the good thing, especially for friends (in this case, for an Extrovert, friend is everything. But, for an Introvert friend is ordinary thing). Whereas it is not always!!
So, before helping your friends you need to do some drives first. Such as:

1.      Be sure you know about goodness and badness, then you can differentiate both of them.
-Your friend wants you lend him a gun to kill someone or your friend wants you to lend him money for buying book. You have to differentiate! Which one will you help?
2.      Be sure you know that when you help in badness means you do the badness, too. Yours is worse instead, then God will anger you.
-Your friend becomes a thief, in a single night he needs your help to keep the door save. Suddenly, the police comes to chase him. Mr. Police then also sees you there with him. He also sends you to the jail. Although you explain clearly the truth that you just help him, he will not believe you at all. God also does not like it. So, you have to think first!

3.      If you know both already, then try to apply it. Tell your friends that you cannot help them when they ask you to help in badness.
-“In an examination, your friend wants to do cheating. He asks you for the answer. I suggest you to just reject him. You have to be brave! Just say “NO. Sorry, I can’t help you in this case” then continue your work without thinking of your friend. However It is also for his goodness.

4.      If you are afraid hurt them (because you reject to give your help), make other reason even you have to lie, but just do it (lie for the goodness is not too bad, I guess)
-Your friend needs money to buy the marijuana, he wants to be drunk. Look, that is not good behavior. You can lie “Hm..sorry, today I want to buy a new book. So, I can’t lend you my money”. Simple, right? But, wait! Do not suggest him to borrow other guys. Because if you suggest and he does it then the other gives him money, so it is still called that you help him. Just lie and leave him. This way actually is not too good because we lie, but this is for your safety. God will understand, I am sure.

5.      Try to remind them that something they do is not a good thing (if it is truly bad), help them to remember God and realize what they are.
Here you will deliver a speech, ha ha ha. I know that you know what thing you should do.
6.      Good people/good friends will do what you advice. On the contrary, the bad one will start to hate you (they think that you are not their good friend). Remember! This earth is old already. In this modern era the majority people like badness more than goodness.
-May be they will say that you are not cool, you are posthole, you are lame, you are suck, even they say bad words to you. Just say “WHATEVER!”

7.      When they (friends who refuse to join you in goodness) hate you then leave you, just let them go. It means that they do not suit you anymore, and believe that God sets it, God wants you to stay far from them. Listen, many good people outside who still want to be your friend. God willing. Then, FORGET THEM (the bad friends) FOREVER!

8.      Help your friends in goodness only.

*Note: although they say bad words and also abuse you when you refuse to help in badness, do not care it! It is okay when people hate you, but God always know the truth and he will help and love you. God loves people whom do the goodness and leave the badness. Trust me! It works.


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