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Let's Love Animal Sincerely, Maybe They Need Us

Do you have pet? Did you name it? What’s its name? *Ignore my questions! -_-
Talking about animals, what do you think first?
There are 2 different mindsets.
§  For animal lovers, the thing appears first on their mind is “animal is cute and I have to love it”, I guess.
§  For animal haters, it is “animal is grubby and disgusting, even annoying.
I was the second, I kicked and angered the cat, I beat the cat and chicken, killed the ants and mosquito, etc. I was cruel with the animals. I loved to torture, even when I was in elementary school (about 8-9 years old) I put the baby mouse on the steal debris and burnt the steal till it became hot then the baby mouse died ( I mean, I play as the chef. Yeah, I cook it, sorry).
But, I am not that ruthless anymore. Everybody can change. So, do I. I am animal lover for now and forever. I realize that they also need some love from us as human. If we do not take care of them, then who will do it?
You know that actually animals have no mind. Yeah, they have brain but no with mind. Look, they can’t think as well, they are not ashamed to walk everywhere without any clothes, they also do not know how to solve their problem (okay, some of animals can but not as perfect as human though). 
I have a real touching story. In a single night when I was reading in my room while my brother was calling with his girlfriend, I heard kitten’s mew again and again. It was not my Shalu (my cat’s name). Then I remembered there was pregnant mommy cat came in my home and born her baby. Next, that new cat family stayed in my home with Shalu and Jabeen.
I turned on the lamp and tried to get the voice source, but nothing there. The mew was still heard. I tried to check by the window, who knew it needed to come in my home, but I couldn’t find anything. I started worry. After few minutes,
“Ha!!! Here you are!! What are you doing?” I shouted. Apparently, that mew was from the littlest one which lying close to the door.
Why does she still mew although I come already? I though.  There, I also heard other cat’s mew. I opened the door, and Oh My God! How sad! Her mommy was worry outside. She also stayed close the door. I was really touched that night and made me want to write something about animals. I bridged both of them, then the kitten stopped mewing.
From the story above, we can take the lessons. We should thank our God as our creator because He creates us as the human. When we become separated with our mom, when we are being far from mom, we can phone her, we can come to visit her. We can do anything.
And what is about the animals? They can’t. They can do nothing. They can’t phone her mom, they can’t open the door, they can’t ask our help, they can’t tell us anything. So, as the human we have to love them, care them, help them, and try to understand them. Try to tell them anything we want to share, communicate them. You know, my teacher said that animals and also plants could understand what we told them, but we did not know their answer means. That is our weakness, can’t understand their language.
Mosquito bites us, it takes our blood. Harm us, right? Then, what do you do? Kill them as well. I did and now I do not.
-Are you crazy to let them hurt you and take your blood? It also can cause some diseases, Mil…-
-I don’t kill them but I also don’t let them hurt me-
-I just wag my hand on it then the mosquito will leave me. I also talk them to not bite me, because I never bite them-
-They do-
-Are you serious?-
-Positive. Maybe they still bite me, but I don’t know and I don’t feel being bite :D. If we refuse them, so how can they life long? They also creature and they also need food. If their bite does not cause me hurt and itch, I will never frighten them away.
-Ah…so sweet-  
I also apply it for ant, ant-fly. And I don’t apply it to disgusting animal such as worm, snail, and others. They can kill me by being disgusted. -_-. Just shout, then someone will take it away from me. Just ask him to move it out, not kill. 
Good people! I don’t mean to tell you how kind I am as the human. Not at all. But, I just invite you to try to love them. Talk them friendly, then they will do what you order. Just try, it works!
“Ants, I will not murder you by insect sprayer. But, I hope you all go away of my room. Don’t disturb me, I will use this place to lie down. Okay? Please…”
After some minutes, they’re gone. I don’t know where.


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