I am 23 years old now and m y life is so easy. I have much money in my acc, i have 10 credit cards in my wallet, i have 6 cars they are Ferrary, Lamborghini, BMW, Nissan, and 2 Honda. I have 3 huge houses placed in Mumbai, Delhi, and Mathura. I also have some home industries , restaurants, and hotels diffused along India. I have everything. I can buy everything I want. I am the rich Indonesian who life in India. I do not get all of these from my parents, my sisters, or my brothers. I am not the daughter of rich guy. I am not the granddaughter of a president. But I am just a little human. I get all of these by hard work. Really hard. And of course by God’s help. 5 years ago I was graduated from an Islamic Vocational Secondary School of King Abdul Aziz, Indonesia. That time, I did not decide where I had to continue my education yet. It was so hard to decide. University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, University of Indonesia Jakarta, Institute of Technology Bandung, University of I...