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Puisi-Sms Oh Sms

Sms Oh Sms (Oleh : Mila d ’ Chutki) Sms oh sms... Dulu kau sangat berguna, dipuja Baik tua maupun muda semua suka Karena lewat dirimu mereka bahagia Hidupnya berwarna, penuh tawa, tidak hampa Namun terkadang juga bawa luka Berita duka, membuat gundah gulana Oh kau berharga...oh perantara... Sms oh sms... Sekarang zaman globalisasi

Puisi-Kau Amnesia

Kau Amnesia (Oleh: Mila d’Chutki) Tak ingatkah kau pernah membuatku tertawa? Tak ingatkah dulu kita selalu bersama? Menikmati hidup, meratapi hidup Sungguh sekarang kau amnesia... Dulu hati ini menjadi milikmu Dulu aku ini selalu ada untukmu Namun semua kini sudah tak berarti Sungguh sekarang kau amnesia... Kau benar-benar tak ingat lagi Seolah otakmu termakan zombie

Indonesia Berubahlah

Indonesia Berubahlah (Oleh: Mila d’Chutki) Aku masih di sini Aku masih berpijak di atas tanahnya Aku masih merasakan hembusan anginnya Kupakai airnya Kugunakan fasilitasnya Kuhirup oksigennya Kutelusuri jalanan-jalanannya Aku bahagia, memang Aku aman, memang

Seandainya Spider-Man itu Muslim

Seandainya Spider-Man itu Muslim Pernah kan nonton Spider-Man? Paling enggak, tau donk... ^_^ Ya, Peter Parker yang kemudian terkenal dengan sebutan Spider-Man ketika dia udah ganti baju ketatnya itu, baju alias kostum hero nya yang bermotif kayak jala nelayan, heh ngawur! Ma’af maksudnya motif sarang laba-laba. Itu sebabnya disebut dengan Spider-Man alias Manusia Laba-laba. Spider-Man itu film barat, Insya Allah yang bikin tuh orang non muslim ya... Tapi, yang bikin aku tertarik buat nulis artikel ini adalah..........? Karena aku suka sama dia!!!!!! Kadang aku suka ngomong kalo dia itu My Uncle , ha ha ha. Abisnya Pater Parker itu suka terlambat sama kayak aku :D, dan dia juga suka Photography (aku juga suka, meskipun kameraku masih alakadarnya, semoga suatu saat aku bisa punya kamera kayak punya dia bahkan yang lebih canggih dan keren, Amin...).

Some Characters and some not good behaviors that suitable for woman kind and unsuitable for man.

These are some characters and some not good behaviors that suitable for woman kind and un suitable for m an #1 1.       Gossip Gossip is talking about others and when they hear it, they will go angry and annoyed. It is not good behavior I am sure. Do not do that if you are in a process to be good person! I did gossiping, but it was long time ago I never did it anymore. For now and forever I will effort to lose it from my life. If you catch a group of gossiping, please try to stop it, trust me that you will get desert (reward from God). But, it is not easy to stop people doing gossip. Even you can not stop it because they do not gossip you, they do not gossip your mom, your sister, your brother, your teacher, your family, or your lover. They gossip your nobody and you get no trouble in it. You have no rights to force them to stop, me too. Because my life is for me, your life is for you, and their lives are for them. Do not

I Don't Like My Brother's Ex Girlfriend

Hi, Reader in happiness! I am here just want to share with you about ex lover. Not mine, but my brother’s. Well, my parents have 6 children and i am the last. So, I must be having 5 siblings, right? Then, I am going to tell you about my 5 th brother. Whatever amount he has girlfriend, the main thing is I just know 2 girls of his ex girlfriends. For the first ex is Ms. D. She was his junior in the school. They made the relationship about 2 or 3 years. When she was my bro’s lover, I never met her. Because her resident was far from mine. I just talked her by phone. Sometimes calling was used and sometimes text. She’s friendly and kind. I was happy to know her. I’ve ever wanted to meet her, but before it would come true their relationship was crashed. Yeah, they broke up.

Ekstrovert dan Introvert

Ekstrovert Ekstrovert adalah tipe kepribadian yang menyukai interaksi dengan dunia luar. Ekstrovert cenderung lebih banyak beraktifitas dan lebih sedikit berpikir. Orang dengan tipe ini memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut: Antusias Banyak bicara Tegas Suka berteman bersemangat

English Poem

Friends Come and Go                                                                          (by. Mila) When i sit in kinder garden i get friends when i sit in elementary school i get friends when i sit in junior high school i get friends when i sit in senior high school i get friends

Konsep Menuntut Ilmu dari Imam Ghozali

Ini tugas dari kepala sekolah.......   Assalamu’alaikum WR. WB. Saya Kamilatun Nisa’,   siswi dari King Abdul Aziz Vocational Secondary School, Siliragung, Banyuwangi. Setiap hari Senin, saya beserta semua warga sekolah mengikuti kegiatan rutin yaitu upacara bendera di halaman sekolah. Dalam tiap-tiap upacara pasti selalu ada amanat yang disampaikan oleh inspektur upacara kepada murid-murid tercinta. “Sama-sama upacara, tapi upacara kita berbeda” kata Ustadz Misbah selaku inspektur upacara waktu itu. Di manakah letak perbedaannya? Jika di lembaga atau sekolah formal lain, upacara yang dilakukan layaknya upacara hari senin pada umumnya. Seperti yang pernah saya rasakan beberapa tahun lalu saat saya masih di Sekolah Dasar, amanat yang disampaikan tidak menyangkut pada agama secara detail, bahkan mungkin tidak menyangkut sama sekali. Mungkin, karena siswa di SD tidak hanya muslim saja dan inspektur upacara juga kurang mendalami tentang ilmu agama.

Yang Tak Sempat Terbalas

Matahari masih belum juga menyembunyikan sinar serta tubuhnya, padahal aku sudah tidak sabar untuk segera pergi ke airport . Yeah, penerbangan yang aku ambil akan berangkat sekitar 5 jam lagi. Aku yang sudah packing sejak semalam mengecek kembali apakah semua keperluanku sudah masuk koper atau bahkan ada yang seharusnya tidak diikutsertakan. Arloji berwarna pink yang sungguh girly yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan kiriku kembali kulirik untuk yang kesekian kali. “Ah...! Cepetan donk! Cepet jam 18.00 kenapa sih? Ayolah matahari, tidurlah!!” aku berteriak-teriak dan tak bisa mengontrol emosiku, seorang diri di dalam kamar yang sebentar lagi akan aku tinggalkan.

My Talk with Guru-cool

I don ’ t know who he is, my teacher or just my senior. If i say that he is my teacher, but he is just older than me 2 years, he is too young to be my teacher. If i say that he is my senior, but he teaches me. Ha! Forget it! I call him Guru-cool. Here is our talk in a single day. Guru-cool: Oh hey mil, have you ever been feeling heart sick caused by ‘chipmunks’? Me: What’s chipmunk? GC: Boys! Why you so plain.. haha no.. you aint need to answer it Me: No, i have not. U know that i never tried to get that opposite relationship... so, noboys ever hurted me. Thank God! GC: Never try but for serious one!! Me: Amin. Tell me what i don’t know..

“Improve Your Memory, Improve Your Life”

Have you ever been embarassed because you forgot something important? What kind of things do you have the most trouble remembering? Look the cases below! a.     Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the audience, but then paused in horror. He had forgotten her name. b.     Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put it. Perhaps you’ve had experiences like above. Most people have, and what’s worse, most people have resigned themselves to a life of forgetting. They’re unaware of a simple but important fact memory can be developed. If you’ll just accept that fact, this article will show how.

Signature Business

I am 23 years old now and m y life is so easy. I have much money in my acc, i have 10 credit cards in my wallet, i have 6 cars they are Ferrary, Lamborghini, BMW, Nissan, and 2 Honda. I have 3 huge houses placed in Mumbai, Delhi, and Mathura. I also have some home industries , restaurants, and hotels diffused along India. I have everything. I can buy everything I want. I am the rich Indonesian who life in India. I do not get all of these from my parents, my sisters, or my brothers. I am not the daughter of rich guy. I am not the granddaughter of a president. But I am just a little human. I get all of these by hard work. Really hard. And of course by God’s help. 5 years ago I was graduated from an Islamic Vocational Secondary School of King Abdul Aziz, Indonesia. That time, I did not decide where I had to continue my education yet. It was so hard to decide. University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, University of Indonesia Jakarta, Institute of Technology Bandung, University of I...

“Thank you”, it’s enough for me. No more…

Did you ever help or give someone a thing, then he/she says “thank you”? Did you ever get a sweet smile and thanking from someone you help? What did you feel then? You felt glad, didn’t you? You felt that he/she appreciated your good deed, right? And you wouldn’t mind to help them again, huh? Yeah! Absolutely i would be very happy to help someone like that. You know what!? In a hadits :

Tips Menonton Film Untuk Pelajar yang Movieholic

Apa kamu termasuk pribadi yang gila nonton film? Iya Tidak Tidak terlalu/sedang-sedang saja Terserah kamu mau pilih jawaban yang mana. Yang pasti pertanyaan itu juga berlaku untuk aku, dan aku akan menjawab “ a. Iya ” Film merupakan mediaku untuk menghibur diri selain hiburan yang lainnya. Katakan saja banyak hiburanku, salah satunya adalah dengan “menonton film”.